

Simple pricing.

From starter to corporate



0,00 kr.


  • No Label  


89,00 kr.


  • No Label  


699,00 kr.


  • No Label  



  • No Label  

For a consultancy firm like SOAK A/S, which typically processes between 50 to 100 signings annually and opts to store documents on their own Azure storage, the monthly expense is determined by the number of signings. If each document requires dual signatures, the quantity of signings doubles. Operating at the upper end with 100 signings, this translates to 200 signings per month. Falling under the "Medium" tier for up to 200 signings, the cost would be 0.70 DKK per signing, totaling approximately 140 DKK monthly. However, should their signings exceed 200, moving to the "High" tier at 0.40 DKK per signing may be more economical, reducing the monthly fee to 80 DKK.

On the other hand, for a smaller enterprise like Donsland ApS, managing around 20 documents annually with each document signed by two individuals, and using Ubidogy's storage, the scenario is quite different. With such a modest volume, averaging less than two signings a month, they would comfortably fit within the "Starter" tier, which incurs no cost. Therefore, their annual usage would remain cost-free, providing they stay within the tier's signing limits.

These examples highlight how our flexible pricing adapts to diverse business needs, from occasional document management requirements to robust, high-volume operations, ensuring that you only pay for the services you actually utilize.

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  • Any questions you need to verify before signing up?
  • We are here for you, and we will be happy to answer any questions.
  • Please call us at +45 71 74 11 00 or fill out this form.

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If you want to reach out to a person instead, then feel free to reach out to our Sales Director, Mike Poulsen

Call or write Support

Ubidogy A/S
 +45 71 74 11 00